/  Fitness   /  As the world changes, good habits should endure!

As the world changes, good habits should endure!

Good habits should endure. Even when things happen in life that affect us in different ways: New job – quit job, new relationship – relationship ended, addition to the family – death in the family, house purchase – relocation, pandemic – end of pandemic, start studying – stop studying…

There are LOTS of things that underlie decisions and changes in our lives. Unfortunately one thing that is quickly “negotiated away” when making life changes is your own training. It is also common to “blame your lack of training” on circumstances such as:

– Having to finish a project at work
– Taking care of your children
– Being in too much pain
– Don’t know how or what to do

Making excuses like the above doesn’t work. There’s only one option if you want to be the person you say you want to be. There’s only one option if you want to feel the way you say you want to feel.

You must keep up your varied strength training at all costs!

It is all too common to prioritise away your training when going through various life changes and unfortunately, it is also rare to then “find your way back” to your good habits when life gets a little more balanced again. The next time you’re faced with a life change, follow this super simple step:

– Book a call with us so we can set up a plan together with you! We believe that “good habits should endure” all of life’s challenges.

Having someone to help program your workouts will make it easier.
Someone holding you accountable will make it easier.
With someone who can show you different training options, it will make it easier.
The point is that you need to be proactive and not reactive. Get help with the plan BEFORE changes happen. Schedule your call as soon as you know conditions will change.

Your TRAINING can be done anywhere. You can be coached digitally and have a training program that you can do at home or at another gym.
Locations and information are everywhere. What makes you successful in the long run is that you are COACHED by someone who can motivate, encourage and support you.

Book a free consultation

You can never stop exercising, the most important thing you can do is to take care of yourself so you can live the life you want, have the relationships you want, keep the hobbies you want.
Are you still worried about the price of getting started? Get back to your why and book a goal setting session at our gym today!

Send us an email: info@youjuststronger.com Our full contact details can be found here!

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