Oatmeal, porridge, gröt, in our household this dish has a lot of names.
It is a favourite for breakfast, occasionally for lunch if someone isn’t feeling great, a definite for an evening snack for the kids, and it has appeared as a quick supper when we don’t have a huge appetite.Porridge is one
Good morning – Good night
Breakfast is so much more important than most people think. Both adults and children need it for the energy that it provides us in order to absorb information, to problem solve, and to be able to sit still and focus
80/20 lifestyle
What does it mean to live a “healthy lifestyle”? Does this mean workouts at the gym at 07:00 each morning, followed by 30 mins of yoga, and then salads all day? NO! In our family we don’t see this way of
Don’t call me sugar baby
I grew up in a large extended family in Canada that was all about growing their own food, most being farmers. We always had a large garden and cooking food from raw ingredients was the way it was done. Everything